The Crazy Cat Photographer

really funny cat can take photos A new career for this cat? I didnt know cats could take photos. Maybe they can. Thats one smart cat.

Black and White Cat Hanging Around

funny cats hanging on curtain drapes I think this cat is hanging around on a curtain or drapes rail. Im always amazed at a cat's ability to be able to climb to and stay in some really awkward positions. I could never understand though why cats sometimes get stuck in trees.

Cat Head Stuck in a Jar Bottle

cat head in jar bottle accident I feel really sorry for this cat. I hope he made it out ok - im sure he did. Yes, cats are curious. Or maybe there was something nice at the bottom of the jar.

Creepy Cats Eyes at Night

funny animals creepy scary cats eyes at night How scary and creepy do these cats look? Its like a scene out of a Stephen King novel. This photo looks real enough - are they ready to pounce?

Blue and Green Eyes Cat

green and blue eyes catNo, i dont think it is common to have a blue and green eyes cat. In fact i cant remember seeing a cat with just blue eyes. Im pretty sure they arent contact lenses.

Funny Lizard Birthday Party

lizard eating mice birthday party funny I like the idea of giving a birthday party for lizards. Im curious how they got the nice little birthday hat on his head. Im also a little worried about all the kids watching on as the lizard eats the mice.

Pigeon and Sparrow Fighting Over Food

sparrow and pigeon fighting over food funny
I think they are fighting. You can see how the sparrow is struggling. But its a mighty effort to go head to head with the pigeon. Note how the other pigeon is just standing by - perhaps he is the referee. Id like to think they could come to some arrangement to share the food.

Bird Riding the Alligator Express

funny bird hitching a ride with alligator One wrong move and this bird will end up as dinner. Or maybe he is friends with the Alligator. Probably not though. Yep, he is one the alligator fast train. Why fly when you can hitch a ride?

Big Mouth Duck Photo

big open mouth duck photo Yes, this is one crazy duck. At least i think it is a duck. Because this huge mouth takes up most of the photo, i cant be sure. It could be a swan. Ive never known ducks to do this. Funny!

Big Eyes Cat Open Mouth

big eyes cat photo Im not sure if this cat is angry, or if his mouth is open in a big smile. But look at those eyes! Wow, are they big or what?