Tiger Cub & Ginger Cat Friends

funny cute photo of tiger cub and ginger cat friends over milk bowl Well the tiger cub and ginger cat are members of the feline family yes? Nice to see that cats and tigers can be friends. I wonder if it will still be the same when this tiger grows up and is about ten times bigger than a cat? Its cute now though.

Seagull Loves Ice Cream Theft

funny seagul picture stealing ice cream out of mans hand What a perfect shot. Seagull steals an ice cream right out of the mans hand. Now thats a fine effort.

Too Many Pigeons Child Photo

funny bird photos scared kid being attacked by pigeonsWay too many pigeons for this child's liking. I bet it was his mom that took this photo. Dont worry that he is scared, just get a photo of him being attacked by birds. Thanks though, its a good shot.

Funny Animals Three Cute Kittens Posing

funny animal photos three really cute kittens posing on a rock for a picture How cute are these three kittens? Just stopped whatever they were doing on this rock to pose for a photo. Thanks kitties!

Funny Animals Pigeon Security Guard

funny animal pictures pigeon nesting between two cctv cameras So two CCTV cameras and one pigeon. Thats some top notch security.

How to Park Your Camel

funny animal picture car park for camels parking photo I wonder if that is a designated parking spot for a camel. Maybe he parked himself. You know how stubborn camels can be.

Really Funny Pictures Cute Wet Kitty Cat

really funny picture of wet tiny little pussy cat after wash You think that this little cute kitty cat is happy about being all wet? No way! But it is damn cute! Look how big the eyes appear!

Funny Giraffes Mother Licking Young Calf

funnu animals cute giraffe photo mother licking young baby giraffe calf I just remembered that a young giraffe is called a calf. This is a gorgeous photo, the mother giraffe licking her child. So cute.

Funny Dogs and Curious Kitten Photo

funny dogs and cat photos curious tabby kitten and two golden dogs
I think these two goldne dogs dont know what to make of their little tabby cat kitten friend. He is so tiny. The kitten seems curious too. Two big monsters, must go take a look. Im sure they willall be friends.

Funy Cat Photos White Hind Legs Pose

funny white cat photos sitting on hind legs posing for photo Classic. I didnt know that cats could sit like this on their hind legs. This white cat seems to have mastered it. Thanks for the pose.

Funny Horse Photos Posing

funny animal photos large amount of horses one is posing for photo That is some collection of horses. Nice to see that one has stopped eating or drinking to pose for the photo. Cute.

Funny Greyhound Cheerleader Photo

funny greyhound photo dressed up as a cheerleader I hope this greyhound or whippet is a girl. Otherwise thats a cruel trick on a guy dog, dressing him up as a cheerleader.

Really Funny Kitten Driving a Tractor

funny kitten photo driving a tractor and looking angryWhat is going on here? I dont think the kitten is actually really driving the tractor. Im not sure he cul dreach the pedals. But why does this kitten look so angry? Stay away from the kitten's steering wheel.

Funny Cat and Dogs Fighting Photo

funny black and white cat and three dogs fightingThe old enemies, cat and dogs fighting. Looks like this black and white cat is giving as good as its getting. He has three dogs attacking him. And he aint giving in. Go kitty cat.

Funny Dog Smoking a Cigarette

funny photo of dog smoking a cigarette Smoking is a bad habit. Dogs shouldnt smoke. Thats my health message for the day. At least this cigarette hasnt been lit.

Funny Animals Ginger Cat Playing Records

funny cat photo playing tunes on record player This ginger cat just wants to play some tunes on the Record Player. What music do cats like?

Funny Cats Modelling in Washbasin

funny cat photos black and white modelling in bathroom washbasinWhat a great photo. This black and whiet cat looks like it is modelling. Resting its arm and posing for a photo in a washbasin. Come to think of it, whats it doing in the wash basin?

Funny Cats Resting on Doors

funny animal photos two cats resting on top of doors Two tabby cats resting on the door frame. Now thats some skill. Do they actually like it up there or are these cats just posing for a photo?

Funny Animals Two Headed Snake

funny animals two headed snake photo Yes indeed, its true. A two headed snake. Wow. I hope they dont get angry and try to bite each other.

Funny Feeding Fish to Whale

funny whale photos feeding fish height Is this a killer whale? Its an amazing way to teach it to fly, feeding fish at a really high level.

Crazy Animals Escaped Ostrich Chase

funny crazy animals escaped ostrich running down road followed and chased by police on little motorbikes Classic. An escpaed ostrich running down the middle of the road chased by police on little motorbikes. What are they going to do if they catch the ostrich?

Funny Dogs & Cats Cop & Prisoner

funny dogs and cats playing dress ups as criminal and police Playing dress ups with the dog and cat. Yes, i think this is the right way around. Dogs should be cops - pretty honest and loyal, and cats are sneaky like criminals. Its all just good fun isnt it?

Funny Dogs Carrying a Vibrator Thingy

funny animals retriever dog carrying vibrator in its mouth like a bone A dog carrying a dildo? This is just all wrong. Really bad. Reminds me of that great scene in Parenthood where the lights go out and Steve Martin looks for a torch only to find Dianne Wiest's vibrator. At least they were all family. Could you imagine your retriever dog bringing this out when you had guests over? They dont call them retrievers for nothing! Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase, Give the Dog a Bone.

Crazy Animals Dog Dinner Table

funny dog photos sitting at the dinner table posing for pic Some people say that you shouldnt feed a dog from the dinner table - it teaches them bad habits. I wonder what they would think about a dog actually sitting at the dinner table. Perhaps this is a dinner function just for dogs.

Funny Darth Vader Cat Photo

Ive seen the Darth Vader Dog . This Cat is a much more believable Darth Vader It is almost perfect. The arrogance, the evil eyes, the turned head. Yes, Darth Vader could have been a cat.

Funny Cat Stalking his Prey Pigeons

funny cat photos quietly stalking birds pigeons This is just great - tabby cat lying quietly in a drain, waiting for the best moment to strike against his pigeon prey. Poor little pigeons. They dont know whats about to hit them.

Funny Cats Posse Watching Hamster

funny cats photo watching hamster in a cage gang Can you call a group of cats a posse? When they are keeping a close eye on a hamster in a cage, i think so. They have evil thoughts, thats for sure. Maybe a gang of cats might be a better term

Funny Cats Balancing Basketball

funy animal photos cat balancing on basketball could be harlem globetrotter If they had a team of harlem globetrotters for cats, this guy would be the lead cat. Thats amazing. How many cats could balance on a basketball?

Funny Cats Black Socks Gray

funny shaved cat photos gray with black head, socks and tail very cruel I think this gray and black cat is also a little upset that he has black socks. Actually, if we look closer, i think that this cat may have been shaved. My god. He was a black cat, and had his fur all shaved off to give him a black head, black tail end and black socks - with a gray body. Thats cruel.

Funny Bird Attacking Child Photo

amazing funny bird photo pigeon attacking child with bird food What an amazing photo. A pigeon attacking a child. And doesnt this little kid look frightened. I wonder what this kid has done to deserve an attack. Ive got half an idea that the bag that he is carrying contains some kind of bird food. The pigeon is hungry, wants some bread or grain!

Funny Cats Angry Kitten Yawning

funny kittens photos gray cat yawning or being angry snarling I dont know if this little grar kitten is yawning or snarling. I think Yawning. Which means he probbaly isnt really angry. Just tired. Cats do work hard you know...

Funny Animals Alligator Pug Dog

funny animal photos pug dog dressed as alligator in costumeIm not so sure that the pug is so happy to be wearing an alligator suit. He just wants to be a god gawd darnit.

Tiger and Bunny Rabbit Friends

funny animals really cute photo of tiger cubs and bunny rabbit friendsIm just wondering how long this could last. Tiger cubs being friends with bunny rabbits. What happens when they grow up? Does look awfully cute though.

The Real Easter Bunny

funny crazy animals photo of real easter bunny with pink bonnet and new ears Here is the real easter bunny kids. Complete with a little pink bonnet and new ears.

Cat Horse Whisperer Photo

funny crazy animals photo of cat whispering to horse You see, cats are pretty much the head of the animal kingdom. Here we see one as a horse whisperer, no doubt giving instructions for the days work and activities.

Funny Squirrel Loves Donuts

funny animal photos squirrel eating a pink frosted donut pic So one squirrel loves drinking a soda, and this one is getting into a nice pink frosted donut. Seems Squirrels are big on junk food.

Squirrel Drinks a Soda With Straw

funny squirrel photos drinking soda with a straw pic Ive seen a cat do this - i didnt think a squirrel would be able to drink a soda with a straw. Thats really clever. Where is this soda from? Wendys perhaps? Im going to name this friendly Squirrel Wendy.

Koala Bear Asleep in Tree

funny crazy animals photo of koala bear asleep in tree australian Aww, Australian animals can be so cute. This is a Koala Bear, cosy and asleep in a tree. How it manages to stay up there is beyond me.

Ginger Kitten Sleeps Upside Down

funny animal pics ginger kitten cat sleeping upside down cute photo Ahh, some kittens do like sleeping upside down. This ginger cat is no exception. Thats cute.

Man Sleeps with Foal Photo

funny foal photos sleeping in a bed with a guy You have heard of the Horse's head in the bed from the Godfather Movie yes? This guy has gone one better, he's decided to sleep with the foal. Im amazed that a foal could sleep like this on a bed.

Funny Really Puffy Blowfish

funny animal photos puffy blowfish That is some puffed up blowfish. He looks a little startled. You would be too if they took you out of your habitat. I hope they put him back in the ocean. Thats where he belongs.

One Really Fat Dog on the Sand

funny fat dog photos laid out sleeping on the sand ate too much Trust me, if you were as fat as this dog, you would be collapsed and laid out on the sand too. Wow, this guy is really huge. What has he been eating? I blame the parents.

Funny Raccoons in a Drain

funny raccoons photos three living in a drain peering out not over the hedge 3 Cute raccoons living in a drain. Are you sure this isnt a still shot from the Over the Hedge Movie? Maybe these are RJ's (voice of Bruce Willis) three kids. What mischief will these racoons be getting up to today?

Queen Cat on Her Throne

really funny photo of queen cat sitting on her throne Every should have a throne dont you think? Lets face it, most cats act as if they run the household, so they probably think of themselves as kings and queens. Or just royalty. This cat is very relaxed sitting here. Lucky cat.

Cat Wrapped in Brown Paper

funny cat photos wrapped up in brown paper I wonder if the cat was wrapped in the bown paper, or if it found its way in there. Good place to hide perhaps.

Funny Parrot and Cat Friends

funny parrot and cat animal photo as friends but cat is sleeping A parrot and cat as friends? Now ive seen it all. Arent birds and cats supposed to be enemies? Maybe the cat is unaware of the posing parrot cos he is asleep.

Funny Panda Bear Falls Off Slide

funny panda bear photos fallen down after coming down a slippery slide Funny playing pandas. This lil guy appears to have had an accident after coming down the slippery slide. Ended up on his head. Poor little panda.

Funny Elephant Painter Photo

funny elephant photo painting a picture of a tree with a paintbrush in his trunk very smart Who would have thought that an Elephant would be able to paint a picture? But it seems to be true. This lil cutie looks like he is painting a tree. Never underestimate an elephant, they are very smart, and as they say, great memories because an elephant never forgets.